2023 Negotiation sectorial

2023-2028 Collective agreement

Collective agreement between the School Support Staff Sector of the FEESP and the CPNCA - June 2024 *please note that only the French texts are available for the moment. The English version will be uploaded here when available.

Mobilization – Toolbox

Package of demands

Cahier de revendications S18 en français

Package of demands S18

Employer’s proposals

Propositions patronales S18 en français

Employer’s proposals (english version coming soon)


Negotiations 2023: Let the games begin

Without the support staff, schools fall by the wayside!

Vague proposals to respond to concrete problems

The school sector support staff declares its refusal of management’s offers

Sectoral negotiation progress report

Ramping up negotiations and mobilization

With the dawn of a strike upon us, discussions are at a stalemate

News from the sectoral negociating tables

Sectoral tentative agreement in principle

Negotiations 2023: You have the last word

Agreement in principle: Your general assembly… be there!

Agreement in principle adopted at 65%

What’s the government doing?  We’re tired of waiting!